Management roles

Admin (administrator)

Team member (collaborator)

Manager (company manager)

Postmaster (domain manager)

Email account (user)

Delegate (auditor)


The MoxiMail control panel allows you to manage domains and corporate email accounts through multi-level roles. With this function, you can assign specific access permissions or limitations to each of your collaborators or customers.

We recommend to associate a nominative role to each collaborator / customer of your company, in order to be able to track their actions in a simple and unambiguous manner.



Admin (administrator)

The Admin is the administrator of the panel and the services connected to it. It is the person who purchased the service directly from MoxiMail. They can add and manage domains and accounts in total autonomy, according to the limits associated with the type of billing options and the plans chosen with their order, and have full control over each resource available on their profile.

Besides, the Admin can create and assign other management roles (Team member, Manager or Postmaster) to their users, setting specific limitations depending on their chosen plan.



Team member (collaborator)

The Team member is an Admin's collaborator and has access to all the domains and accounts, within the limits assigned by the Admin. The Team member can only be created, activated or deactivated by the Admin.

Features available as a Team member include:

  • Add, modify, and delete domains;
  • Add, edit, and delete email account;
  • Add, edit, and delete archive;
  • Change account password;
  • Tracemail access;
  • Registry access;
  • API access;
  • Add, modify, and delete Manager (only if the Admin is a reseller).



Manager (company manager)

The Manager is a company manager with permission to manage certain domains and the related accounts. The Manager can be created, activated or deactivated only by an Admin (if reseller) and, if authorized, also by a Team member.

Features available as a Manager include:

  • List of assigned domains;
  • Maximum number of domains that can be activated;
  • Maximum number of email accounts (from 8 GB and 25 GB) that can be activated;
  • Maximum number of Archives that can be activated.



Postmaster (domain manager)

The Postmaster is responsible for the single domain and can create and manage accounts belonging to it in total autonomy, according to the limits of their own domain. A Postmaster is automatically assigned with each new domain and their related email account has a fixed space of 50MB.

The Postmaster can access the control panel with:

  • Username: postmaster @ DOMAIN
  • Password: password chosen during domain creation



Email account (user) 

The Email account is the owner of a single email address and can only manage the settings corresponding to it (such as changing the password, accessing via OTP and setting up an autoresponder for their own account).




Delegate (auditor)

The Delegate is a user authorized to access the Archive of one or more email accounts within certain limits. In doing so, they are able to view the archive's content, partially or completely, in order to support internal audits or actions related to company protection. All the activities carried out by the Delegate are traced in a special register (Log).


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