
By filling out the registration form on the page,  you will need to place an order by clicking on the Orders section in the control panel sidebar and follow the procedure.


Step 1 - Geographic Area

Select the country where your company is located or where you reside.


Step 2 - Type of user

Select the type of user that best fits your profile.

Private User in possession of a Tax Code but not a VAT number.
Company Freelancer, self-employed, or company.


Step 3 - Contact information

Enter the information of the company or user wanting to purchase the services.

  1. Enter the name of the company wanting to purchase the services;
  2. Enter the name of the primary contact or legal representative of the company;
  3. Enter the last name of the primary contact or legal representative of the company;
  4. Enter the VAT number of the company wanting to purchase the services;
  5. Enter the tax code of the company wanting to purchase the services (if different from the VAT number);
  6. Enter the recipient code of the company for electronic invoicing (Italian customers only);
  7. Enter the address of the company wanting to purchase the service;
  8. Enter the telephone number of the company wanting to purchase the service.

The available fields vary according to the type of user selected in the previous step.


Step 4 - Billing and payment methods

Select the billing type and payment method that best suits your needs.

Payment frequency

Select the payment frequency related to the MoxiMail services you need, choosing between the flexibility of a monthly fee or the stability of an annual fee.

All payments, both monthly and annual, are anticipated.

Annual Allows you to activate a fixed number of domains and email accounts, calculating an annual fee. In the step following registration, you will have to indicate how many domains you wish to activate the MoxiMail systems for and the related email accounts.
Monthly Allows you to activate an unlimited number of domains and email accounts, adjusting the fee monthly. In the step following registration, you will have to indicate the number of domains and accounts that you wish to purchase. You can add more domains and email accounts, should you need it, once the purchase is complete and the following monthly bill will be adjusted accordingly.

Annual billing is not available for Partners.


Payment method

Select a payment method.

Payment method  
PayPal with automatic debit It allows you to set up an automatic payment of invoices through your PayPal account, so you don't have to worry about deadlines.
PayPal or Credit Card It allows you to pay using your PayPal account or your credit card.

By selecting PayPal (with automatic debit or with an account/credit card) as payment method, you can start managing your domains immediately after the transaction has been confirmed and verified.

Billing area

Set the credentials to access the billing area. The system will automatically set the user name and password you use to access the control panel as credentials, unless otherwise indicated.

If you want to set different credentials, select the item Use other credentials to access the billing area and indicate a different email address and password.

All invoices will be sent to the email address indicated as username in the billing area.


Step 5 - Domains and email accounts

Enter the name of the domains and the number of email accounts you wish to purchase for each domain. If you have already entered domains and email accounts during the trial period, these will be automatically accounted among the domains that can be purchased.

If you chose to be billed monthly, the invoice will only report the domains and the number of accounts in the MoxiMail systems. Once the order is completed, you can add as many domains and accounts as you wish.

If you chose an annual billing method, the minimum amount of email accounts you can activate by purchasing the service is one. If you chose a monthly billing method, the minimum amount of email accounts that you can activate with the service is five. However, in both cases, you will not be able to activate less email accounts than the once you activated during the free trial (e.g. if, during the free trial, you activated 8 email accounts, you will not be able to activate less than 8 email accounts when purchasing the service.)


Step 6 - Order summary

After you checked that the order details are correct and having accepted the terms of service, you can complete the procedure by clicking the Confirm order button.

In order to start using the full range of MoxiMail services included in your plan of choice, you will have to process the payment through your preferred method and, once the payment is received, wait for the removal of eventual service limitations that may occur.

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