Account settings






The account settings section allows you to manage information about your user and the security measurements for the account that you access the Webmail with.

To change the settings, click on the settings icon SettingsIcon at the top right corner of the navigation bar. Once the sidebar opens, you can select the entry corresponding to the settings that you wish to modify.




This section includes contact information and account preferences.


Upload a headshot for your profile. Your picture will be shown to your contacts.

Personal information

Edit your information and choose the ones that will be displayed to your contacts.

General Settings

Set the language, time zone, and default date and time format for the interface of your webmail. The languages currently available are:

  • Italian
  • English
  • Dutch
  • Swedish
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Greek




Section dedicated to the activation or deactivation of Webmail browser notifications.


When should I expect a notification?

If enabled, notifications will pop up when you receive a new message or to remind you of an event on your calendar. You can choose whether to receive notification when:

  • you have the Webmail open on your browser;
  • you have the Webmail open on an hidden browser;
  • you have the browser open but the Webmail window is hidden.

If you don't want to receive notifications when you have your browser open, log off Webmail. Currently, notifications are sent only when a new message is delivered to the inbox.


How are notifications activated?

  • If you already use Webmail

Go to General Settings > Notifications and tick the checkmark Enable Browser notifications. Once you change this setting, you consent to receiving notifications. Finally, make sure that your browser has saved the consent given, usually by clicking on the lock icon in the address bar.

  • If it's your first access to Webmail

Enter your credentials and save the information. Once entered in your email account, the browser will ask consent to receive notifications by Give your consent and double check that they are enabled in General Settings > Notifications > Enable Browser notifications.


Which browsers support Webmail notifications?

You can enable notifications for the following browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Opera
  • Brave

At the moment Safari does not support the notification system, neither on desktop nor on mobile. The iOS operating system does not support notifications on any browser. Apple is working on the implementation, but it's still in an experimental stage (December 2022).




Section dedicated to the security settings related to the account that you access the webmail with.


Change Password

Change the password used to access the webmail.

To set a new password, go to the security section in the settings and click on the Change password button. You need to enter your current password first. Then, write a new password, confirm it a second time, and finally click on Save</ kbd>.

  • Settings > SecurityChange password

For greater security, your password must be at least 8 characters-long and contain a mix of letters and numbers.

You can also change your account password by accessing the Control Panel, with the same access credentials of the Webmail.


OTP authentication

Set the use of two-factor authentication (2FA) to access the webmail or control panel.

To use two-factor authentication (2FA), install the Google Authenticator application on your smartphone, or any other application for using the OTP available on Google Play or Apple Store.

To activate two-factor authentication, go to the security section of the settings. Click on the Activate OTP button and scan the QR Code with your smartphone using the Google Authenticator app. Enter the numeric code generated by the application within the time limit.

To disable the two-factor authentication, go to the security section in the settings. Click on the Disable OTP button, enter the numeric code generated by the Google Authenticator app, and click on the Disable button .

In the event that your domain administrator set access by two-factor authentication as mandatory, you will not be able to disable this security policy permanently. You will be asked to activate it again the next time you log in.


Open sessions

Allows you to check, in real time, which devices have an open webmail session.

To end a single session and log out on the corresponding device, go to the security section of the settings and click on the Terminate button corresponding to the session that you are interrupting.

To end all open sessions and disconnect from all devices, except the current one, go to the security section of the settings and click on the Terminate all button.




In this section, you can find the integrations with third-party services we offer you to expand the functionality of your Webmail.



Save time when planning your events by inviting attendees and adding the details of a Zoom video meeting to an event.

The Zoom integration allows you to plan video meetings directly by creating an event in the Webmail Calendar. In this way, the participants of the event will immediately receive the link to connect to the video meeting using Zoom. The link will be linked to your Zoom account and automatically generated.

Integration with Zoom is available for Professional and Enterprise plans only.


How to activate Zoom integration

To enable Zoom integration:

  1. Go to and create a Zoom account with the plan you prefer;
  2. Access the settings of your Webmail and activate the integration by clicking on the Configure button in the box relating to the Zoom service;
  3. You will be redirected to the Zoom login page. Log in with the account previously created or with the account you prefer to activate the integration for.

The integration works with any type of plan provided by Zoom for your account, including the free one.

If you already have a Zoom account, you don't need to create a new one.

Once the configuration is complete, Zoom will appear among the platforms available when creating a new event in the Calendar.


How to use Zoom integration

To automatically add a Zoom link to an event, making it available to all invited participants:

  1. Create an event by following the steps described on the View and manage events page;
  2. Invite the desired participants;
  3. Select Zoom from the available 'places';
  4. Save the event.

Once the event is saved, all participants will be shown the link to take part in your video meeting on the platform.


How to disable integration with Zoom

To disable Zoom integration, access the settings of your Webmail and deactivate the integration by clicking on the Disable button in the box related to the Zoom service.

Once the voice is disabled, Zoom will no longer appear among the locations available for an event.


How to uninstall the application from your Zoom account

  1. Log in to your Zoom account and go to the Zoom Market Place section;
  2. Click on Manage > Installed apps or search for the Video Meeting for moxiMail app;
  3. Click on the Video Meeting for moxiMail app;
  4. Click on Uninstall.

  • Settings, Integration, Profile, Security, notification

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