Read and send email

Reading an email message

Write and send a new email message

Reply / forward an email

Actions on an email message



Reading an email message

To read an email message, go to the sidebar and select the folder where the message is located. Then, click on the message that you wish to read within the message list.

If the option "Show messages as conversations" is activated, the messages belonging to a single conversation will be grouped under the most recent message. To display/hide the conversation content, click on the number of messages present.

If the option "Show messages as conversations" is active, the actions performed on a compacted conversation affect all the messages in the conversation. To carry out an action on a single message, expand the conversation and select the message that you wish to act on.



Write and send a new email message

To open the window and start composing a new email message, click on the button New message or  NewMessageIcon  in the sidebar. Fill in the required fields (receiving email address; subject; body of text) and click on the Send button to send your email.

You are free to have several composition windows open simultaneously, as well as to compose a message in full screen.

It is possible to write a maximum of 5 emails at the same time.


To select a different sending identity, click on the From field and select the identity that you wish to use to send the message.

It is possible to select a different sending identity only if one or more aliases have been associated to your account.


To manually save a draft email message, click on the save icon  SaveIcon  at the bottom right of the composition window while you're writing, or choose to save as draft when closing the composition window.

New messages are saved automatically while you type, at regular intervals.


To add one or more attachments to an email message, click on the Attachments icon  attachmentsIcon  in the lower left corner of the composition window. Then, select the files that you wish to attach to the message or drag them straight into the composition window.

You can attach files up to a maximum of 50MB total.


To specify the priority of a new email message, click on the Other icon MoreIcon at the bottom right of the composition window and select the item High Priority.


To request the confirmation of reading once the message has been sent, click on the Other icon moreIcon at the bottom right of the composition window and select the item Confirmation of reading.


To get the delivery confirmation once the message has been sent, click on the Other icon MoreIcon at the bottom right of the composition window and select the item Confirmation of delivery.


To edit the message in simple text mode (.txt) click on the Other icon MoreIcon in the lower right corner of the composition window and select the item Simple text mode.



Reply / forward an email

To reply to an email message, click on the message you want to reply to and choose one of the options, among those available, by clicking on the corresponding icon.

When you reply to a message, the Webmail automatically selects the correct identity based on the email address the message was sent to.

Icon Action Description
replyIcon Reply Compose a message in which the To field is automatically filled in with the sender's address you are replying to.
replyAllIcon Reply to all Compose a message in which the To and Cc fields are automatically filled in with the addresses of the sender and of the other recipients to whom you are replying.
thanksIcon Thanks Compose a predefined Thank You message in which the To field is automatically filled in with the email address you are replying to.
confirmIcon Confirmation Compose a default confirmation message in which the To field is automatically filled in with the email address you are replying to.

To forward an email, click on the message you wish to forward and click on the forward icon  forwardIcon  to open the composition window.

You can also reply/forward a message by right-clicking on the message in the message list and selecting the action you wish to take.



Actions on an email message

To carry out an action on an email message, click on the message that you want to take action on and select the corresponding icon from the ones available.

You can also carry out an action by right-clicking on the message in the message list and selecting the action you wish to perform.

Icon Action Description
starIcon Tag Mark the message as favorite.
replyIcon Reply Compose a message in which the To field is automatically filled in with the sender's address you are replying to.
replyAllIcon Reply to all Compose a message in which the To and Cc fields are automatically filled in with the addresses of the sender and of the other recipients to whom you are replying.
forwardIcon Forward Send the message content as the body of a new message.
trashIcon Delete Delete the message.
thanksIcon Thanks Compose a predefined Thank You message in which the To field is automatically filled in with the email address you are replying to.
confirmIcon Confirmation Compose a default confirmation message in which the To field is automatically filled in with the email address you are replying to.
  Label Assign a label to the message.
 spamIcon  Mark/do not mark as Spam  Identify (or not) the message as Spam and automatically move it to the corresponding folder.
readIcon   Brand as read/unread  Mark (or not) the message as read.
  Move to Move the message to a folder.
  Copy to Copy the message to a folder.
moreIcon Other  
sourceIcon Show as source View the message source code.
attachmentsIcon Forward as an attachment Create a file in EML format and send it as an attachment to a new message.
editIcon Modify as new Create a new message by pre-filling the fields with those of the selected message.
downloadIcon Download Download the message in EML format.
printIcon Print Print the message.


  • message, email

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